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RS232 Serial Port arrives to ArduSimple

RS232 product family
RS232 product family

Dear followers,

We received many, many, many, many pictures from projects that added RS232 converters to our simpleRTK2B boards. And as you know, when our customers cannot plug-and-play their simpleRTK2Bs, we cannot sleep 🙂

After a lot of thinking, we decided to launch a series of accessories to add RS232 connectivity to our products. More to come, but the first one is our RS232-to-Everything adapter, that will allow you to connect:

  • simpleRTK2Blite: get centimeter accuracy through RS232 connector. Send RTK corrections through RS232 or just connect one of our radios LR/BT/WiFi on top for wireless RTK corrections.
  • LR/XLR radio:
    • Connect your LR Rover to your existing RTK base station.
    • Connect your LR Base Station to your existing RTK receiver.
    • Or just connect wirelessly to any RS232 port.
  • 4G NTRIP Client:
  • Bluetooth: connect your existing RS232 port to your bluetooth device.
  • WiFi NTRIP Master: connect it to any RTK receiver with RS232 RTCM support.

And all powered from a 12V input.

You have a Trimble, Topcon, Agleader, Leica, Novatel, Topcon, CHCNav, Hi-Target, South, Emlid RTK receiver? Check their documentation, many of them have serial port input for RTCM 3 corrections. If this is your case, you can now connect them with ArduSimple simpleRTK2B.

Check out our new hookup guide to understand better all the possibilities.

Best regards,
ArduSimple Team

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