Update (31/03/2025): We have plenty of stock of all our products, find us also in and    Shop now

Ardusimple measures to mitigate COVID 19 impact

UPDATE (01/07/2021): The situation has improved significantly in all the regions were our employees are based and all of them are vaccinated or in the process to get the vaccines.
We just want to share with you that we will continue to apply all strict health measures related with Covid until further notice.

Stay safe!


UPDATE (19/08/2020): Until further notice, we will maintain all strict health measures in our warehouse and home office for the rest of the team.

Stay safe!


UPDATE (18/05/2020): the situation has improved and the lock-down has ended in the regions were our employees are based.
We want to be cautious and we will continue applying the below mentioned measures, as if we were in lock-down.

Stay safe!


Dear followers,

As the COVID 19 crisis is expanding worldwide, we would like to offer more information about the way Ardusimple team has adapted to it.

  • In our company, home office is a regular practice under normal conditions.
    Since the beginning of March 2019, it is mandatory that *all employees work from home.
  • All physical internal meetings have been moved to online meetings
  • Trade-shows attendances have been cancelled
  • Training and business trips have been postponed or switched to online (if possible)
  • R&D field tests are being conducted from home if possible, otherwise they are postponed
  • All orders are being prepared by one employee from the logistics department, which is dedicated full time to this task.
    This employee is wearing face mask and gloves and handles the orders once per day to a DHL courier who also wears face mask and gloves.
    *This employee is the only person in the team that does not work from home, works from the warehouse but there is no one else with him.
  • Incoming material from suppliers arrives on a weekly basis to our Warehouse.
    It is delivered by couriers (FedEx, UPS or DHL) that wear face mask and gloves.
  • Ardusimple management checks the health status of all employees (and their families) on a daily basis
  • Ardusimple management checks regularly the health of suppliers and local couriers

Summarizing, we ship all our products and provide technical support as usual.

If you have any question about this or other topics do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
ArduSimple Team

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