
simpleSSR coverage extended to Ireland
PointPerfect coverage has been extended to all Ireland.As of this week many new customers will be able to enjoy centimeter level plug&play RTK positioning without

How to integrate a Neural Network in your SBC
In this article we will learn how to integrate a neural network in the SBC. We will create a 3-layer neural network to approximate the

How to use PointPerfect with Septentrio and non u-blox receivers
PointPerfect is a PPP-RTK GNSS augmentation data service that delivers centimeter-level accuracy in seconds on a continental scale without the need of a base station.

New product: Japan CLAS QZSS L6 correction data receiver with NEO-D9C
Japan has been the first country in the world to deploy free RTK-SSR corrections via satellite in order to support and promote the adoption of

RTK-SSR Corrections from Space!
Having trouble with your NTRIP corrections and cellular coverage?Do you have issues with your base-rover line of sight range? The future is here: RTK-SSR Corrections

Use ArduSimple plugins with your C099-F9P
Do you have a C099-F9P board and want to add 4G modem, Ethernet, Long Range Radio, L-Band or any other ArduSimple Plug & Play accessory?

New SBC Firmware v1.03
The simpleRTK2B-SBC is the most flexible product from ArduSimple.It is fully programmable on microPython with a dedicated API developed by our engineers which is focused

New Base + Rover RTK Professional Kit
Configure your custom Base + Rover RTK Receiver with ZED-F9P dual band or Septentrio Mosaic triple band GNSS RTK receivers. Every person has different needs

SBC now compatible with NMEA2000 vehicle position and heading
If you are in the marine industry you might have heard of NMEA protocol over CAN bus, also called NMEA2000. We have added compatibility to

3D Choke Ring GNSS RTK antenna certified by NGS in stock
ArduSimple 3D Choke Ring GNSS Tripleband + L-band antenna (IP67) brings high performance and low cost together. Approved by NGS and with ANTEX calibration files

ArduSimple accepts crypto currency as new payment method
Starting today we accept some crypto currencies as payment method. Just add your wished items to your cart, select “Pay with cryptocurrency” and complete your

How to connect simpleRTK2B Heading to ArduPilot with external RTK corrections?
This tutorial is useful for you if you want to use the simpleRTK2B Heading kit with external RTK corrections sent via MissionPlanner or QGroundControl. Required