
Free PPP-RTK corrections until 2023
It is not a typo, we are offering free PPP-RTK corrections until end of 2022, to all our customers of 4G NTRIP Master, Ethernet NTRIP

How to configure simpleRTK3B Pro as static base station
SimpleRTK3B Pro powered by Septentrio Mosaic-X5 can generate and output DGPS and/or RTK corrections in the RTCM and CMR formats, for L1, L2 and L5

Disable UART1/UART2 communications
When configuring the 4G NTRIP Master, UART1/UART2 communications (out) need to be disabled.In this quick tutorial we will cover this, for both the simpleRTK2B and

New product: M.2 card with ZED-F9P
It can’t get smaller 🙂 ZED-F9P in M.2 form factor. Bring low cost high precision RTK GNSS to your embedded system with M.2 sockets with this

Configuration Files for ZED-F9P HPG 1.30 firmware
Accelerate your RTK project with our configuration files for ZED-F9P HPG 1.30 firmware.

New ZED-F9P HPG 1.30 firmware
If you are looking for improved positioning performance, it will be difficult for you to notice the difference with the new firmware. ZED-F9P HPG 1.30

How to connect simpleRTK3B to Android PinPoint GIS via Bluetooth
The Septentrio PinPoint-GIS app for Android is a powerful geographical information system (GIS) that allows users to collect data, in a straightforward manner, of accurate

simpleRTK2B V1 is now simpleRTK2B Budget: same features, same low price
Every day we have more products and it is getting also more difficult to keep it simple 🙂 For this reason and together with the

New Product: simpleRTK2B Pro
Today we say goodbye to our ZED-F9P simpleRTK2B V3 board to welcome the new simpleRTK2B Pro. We introduced a few improvements to our high end

3D models in STEP format available for all simpleANT RTK antennas
If you are looking to start your project with ArduSimple L1/L2 or L1/L2/L5 GPS/GNSS RTK multiband antennas, as of today the 3D files in STEP

Measuring ground settlement before a construction work with centimeter precision
Before a road or other heavy construction is built, the ground needs to settle first. To do this, a heavy layer of sand is placed

How to load antenna calibration files to simpleRTK3B receivers
Antenna calibration files are used to increase even more the accuracy of GNSS measurements. If you have a double or triple band calibrated antenna, you can use their ANTEX