
Aftermarket Autopilot for Professional Mowers
Today we want to share with you an interesting project, especially useful for commercial landscapers and any of us who have a lawn: an Aftermarket

simpleSSR coverage extended to Finland
As of last week customers in Finland don’t need anymore to set up their own base station and can also enjoy literally plug and play

New TNC-TNC cable adapter to connect Survey Antennas with your high end RTK receiver
With the new TNC to TNC Survey Antenna Cable (2.5m) you can easily connect our simpleANT2B Survey Grade antennas with your high end RTK receiver

Product launch: new RS232 adapter for simpleRTK2B socket
You can now use the XBee socket integrated in the simpleRTK2B RTK boards simply as an RS232 port, thanks to the new XBee to RS232

WiFi NTRIP Master new hookup guide
We discovered that many of our customers didn’t know about all the features that the WiFi NTRIP Master can bring to your GPS project. For

How to use Ardusimple products with iOS smartphones/tablets via WiFi
Today we want to share with you how to connect ArduSimple GPS/GNSS RTK receivers to iOS devices via WiFi. If you want to connect your

New XLR Starter Kit and XLR Radios now plug-and-play compatible with existing LR radios.
Because of the current global travelling restrictions, we used our vacations to go as far as 50km from our headquarters to test a new product:

XLR radios range test: 18km, 28km and 41km Baseline
The eXtra Long Range (XLR) radios are our most powerful radios in our portfolio.The specifications of these radios are quite impressive, looking at the datasheet

New High Power Dual-USB to micro-USB cable
With the new high power devices, like the XLR radios, 4G NTRIP Client or simpleSSR , a few of you were struggling with data-only or

simpleSSR coverage extended to southern UK
As of last week customer in southern UK don’t need anymore to set up their own base station and can also enjoy literally plug and

New hookup guide for simpleRTK2B-F9R RTK+INS receiver
Tired of reading long integration manuals? Check out our new simpleRTK2B-F9R hookup guide and learn how to quickly use u-blox ZED-F9R INS+RTK receiver.

Product launch: microSD serial datalogger in XBee form factor
We received your feedback that ZED-F9P simpleRTK2B was missing data logging capabilities and today we are happy to announce our new accessory in XBee form