
Product launch: Lightweight Multiband GNSS antenna
Dear followers, During the last months we received many messages saying that current Multiband antennas are too heavy for some applications. And we could not

Did you know… you can add multiple rovers to our LR kit?
With our simpleRTK2B – Starter Kit LR IP67, you will receive a pre-configured base and a pre-configured rover. Would you like to connect multiple rovers

Do you want to become our reseller?
Dear followers, It’s now almost a year since we started this adventure together, and we hope it has been as exciting for you as it

How to connect your simpleRTK2B to a Raspberry Pi
Some users have asked us how can they connect their ArduSimple boards to a Raspberry Pi and we have prepared this guide to show all

Product update: Pixhawk cable set
Dear followers, We have seen that ordering the right cable to connect to your Pixhawk had become a real challenge. And this was not letting

Customer Project: simpleRTK2B 3D printed enclosure
Dear followers, Today we wanted to let you know about the plastic enclosure developed by our customer Jerome. It’s compatible with simpleRTK2B, and with the

New Section: Customer Projects
Dear followers, Today we open a new section in our site: Customer Projects! We have seen amazing work around ArduSimple’s products, and we are sure

How to change the baudrate of Ardusimple Bluetooth module
All our Bluetooth modules come pre-configured at 38400bps which works for almost everyone.We have prepared this tutorial for those users with special needs that need

Product update: simpleRTK2Blite final version is here and in stock (with JST Pixhawk connector)
Dear followers, As promised, simpleRTK2Blite is here and in stock! Remaining backorders will be shipped out on Monday July 29th! And we wanted to introduce

Let’s meet face to face at Intergeo 2019 – H1.045
It’s been a while since we started this project and so far, most of the communication with our community has been online. We think this

Webstore update: we now also accept US Dollars (and free shipping to US & Canada!)
Dear followers, With the independence day around the corner, we had to find a way to celebrate it also from the other side of the

Product launch simpleRTK2Blite: RTK and heading made simple, in only 8 grams
Dear backers, customers & followers, We received a lot of requests about how to use 2 simpleRTK2B boards to have RTK heading functionality, or what