Testing simpleRTK2B accuracy in RTK base-rover configuration
We have received many questions about the real accuracy of the simpleRTK2B board with the ZED-F9P module and we will write a series of posts
How to connect simpleRTK2B RTK receiver to STM32 Nucleo
In this tutorial you will see how to connect the simpleRTK2B series receiver with a STM32 Nucleo L152RE board for a debug session. If your
simpleRTK2B connection to smartphone via Bluetooth
The simpleRTK2B shield is compatible with all the GNSS applications available for Android/iOS that support USB or Bluetooth connections with an external GNSS unit. You
Kickstarter campaign starts
We decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to launch a big production batch of simpleRTK2B shields to offer you the best price.
Product update simpleRTK2B: first ZED-F9P application board + future specs
The wait has been long but we finally have them in our lab … … give a warm welcome to the first application board using
Product update simpleRTK2B: Test units received
The first boards have arrived and we have started the field tests. You may have noticed some wires flying around the GPS module in the
Tech update: But… what is RTK GNSS?
Global Navigation Systems (GNSS) for civil use, like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or BeiDou, can reach under excellent conditions an absolute accuracy of around 1-3 meters,
Product update simpleRTK2B: PCB cooking
Design finished for our first product simpleRTK2B. Also sent to manufacture and now waiting for the first samples to test!
Product update simpleRTK2B: introducing the first easy to use, low cost dual band GNSS receiver
We wanted to introduce you our first creation: simpleRTK2B simpleRTK2B = simple + Real Time Kinematics + Dual Band Keep reading us to understand what
Hello world!
Our goal is to make complex technologies… just simple. So you can focus on creating your new application! We offer to you: State of the