
How to do Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK) with free software RTKLIB
Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) is a positioning technique that involves post-processing of GNSS data after the data collection is completed. PPK solutions have several advantages: No

How to generate RINEX files with simpleRTK2B (ZED-F9P) for PPK
Post processed kinematic (PPK) is a GPS correction technology used in surveying that corrects the location data after it is collected and uploaded. The RINEX

How GPS can help you measure the real heading of your vehicle?
In the context of GNSS and GPS, we often encounter terms such as heading, course, track, yaw etc. This can be confusing at times because

How to build a low cost NMEA2000 GNSS Compass with optional RTK functionality
If you are in the marine industry you probably have read about NMEA protocol over CAN bus, also called NMEA2000. You might have also heard

Good Bye forum, Hello custom e-mail support within 24h!
(You might have arrived to this page because you clicked an old link pointing to our old forum) Today, February 2024 we are shutting down

Free PPP-RTK corrections until the end of 2024
Thanks to the new u-blox PointPerfect service, if you are in Europe, Continental North America, Australia or South Korea, you can enjoy 2-4 centimeter accuracy

GNSS/RTK has become even more affordable!
In celebration of 2024, we announce price reductions on our top-selling products! Embrace the new year with our affordable GNSS/RTK solutions – perfect timing to

How to determine the exact position of your base station with simpleRTK3B Pro
In the previous tutorial on configuring the simpleRTK3B as a static base station, we demonstrated the process of establishing the reference position using Septentrio’s auto

New product: Ground Plate for GNSS Antenna
Increase the performance, directivity and immunity to nearby noise with this ground plate for GNSS antennas. It can also be used with any other antenna

New product: RS232 Cable Set
Tired of ordering RS232 cables and then having to spend time crossing wires? Get up a running fast with our new set of RS232 cables

L1+L2 vs L1+L5: Which dual-band GNSS RTK receiver is better today?
Are you navigating the complex world of RTK receivers and wondering which option is the best for your needs? Delve deep into the technical aspects

New product: simpleGNSS Pro with u-blox NEO-F10N
Welcome our new simpleGNSS Pro: compact dual-band L1+L5 GNSS receiver with sub-meter accuracy out of the box, without the need of correction data. Powered by