
How to connect external GNSS/RTK receiver to QField on iOS device (iPhone or iPad)
QField is a mobile field mapping and data collection app that integrates with QGIS, allowing for efficient outdoor data gathering directly compatible with QGIS desktop.

Feature unlocked: use your LR/XLR radio as a repeater
LR and XLR radios used on base-rover setups require that their antennas are in line of sight (see each other), otherwise the transmission range is

Volcano deformation monitoring with ArduSimple affordable GNSS/RTK
It has long been recognised that volcanoes and in particular its calderas deform as fluids migrate. The Rabaul Caldera in Papua Guinea is a type

How to get paid for installing and sharing your base station with Onocoy
Onocoy is a community-powered GNSS reference station network that provides high-quality RTK reference station data to enable ultra-precise positioning. It ensures a high data quality

How to connect ArduSimple RTK receivers to QGIS for real time position
QGIS is a free and open-source desktop geographic information system (GIS) app that provides data viewing, editing, and analysis. It can be used for almost

Dual-band vs Triple-Band. What GNSS RTK receiver to choose?
Not sure if you need a dual-band or triple-band GNSS receiver? Our video breaks it down simply. We cover the basics and then jump into

How to share your triple-band Septentrio base station with RTK2go via Septentrio Native Ethernet
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps how to setup a future-proof triple-band base station and share it with free NTRIP Caster

How to build a low cost tripleband CORS base station
CORS is the acronym for Continuously Operating Reference Station. In other words, a base station or a network of base stations that are available 24/7

Meet us live at INTERGEO 2023
INTERGEO 2023 | Oct 10-12 2023 | Berlin, Germany ArduSimple will be at Intergeo 2023! Intergeo 2023 is the world’s leading expo and conference platform

How to connect GNSS RTK Receiver and AgOpenGPS for precision farming
In this tutorial we explain how to use RTK Receiver with AgOpenGPS. AgOpenGPS (AOG) is an open-source GPS guidance software that can be used as

Product update: Ethernet NTRIP Master gets support for NTRIP Server v2
Latest firmware version (v1.22) of the Ethernet NTRIP Master supports NTRIP Server v2.With this functionality you can now send your base station corrections to your

How to configure simpleRTK2B as static base station
simpleRTK2B product family, powered by u-blox ZED-F9P, can be configured to act as a base station to generate RTK corrections in RTCM formats. Before starting