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How to configure your simpleRTK2B receiver on your Android smartphone via GNSS master?

There are plenty of tutorials explaining how to change the configuration of your ZED-F9P with u-center, but sometimes you are in the field and you don’t have a laptop to do this.

In this tutorial we will show you an easy way to do this. The following list shows use cases examples:

  • I have a receiver acting as a rover and I need it as a base station
  • I have a receiver acting as a base station and I need it as a rover
  • I want to change my base station survey in configuration
  • I want to set my base station fixed coordinates (ECEF)
  • I want to set my base station fixed coordinates (geodetic)
This tutorial can be used if you have any GNSS receiver based on the ZED-F9P and you communicate with it from an Android smartphone/tablet via one of our plugins:

Before starting the tutorial, remember to enable UBX on Protocol in of UART2 with u-center, so you can configure the receiver with your phone. You can download the configuration file here (right click and choose Save link as).

If you don’t know how to upload configuration files, check out tutorial How to connect, configure GPS Receiver and update firmware with u-center.

Required hardware:

Required software:

How to configure your simpleRTK2B receiver on your Android smartphone?

Firstly, connect your receiver to GNSS Master.

Secondly, configure your receiver on GNSS master.

  1. Go back to menu. Choose u-blox Configuration.
  1. Receiver Mode allows you to set up your receiver as Rover or Base. Additionally, you have the option to upload a preferred configuration file.
    Note that if the uploaded configuration file disables UBX messages at the Protocol in UARTs, you won’t be able to reconfigure your receiver using a smartphone.
    Exercise caution when uploading a configuration file in the field, unless you are familiar with its contents and potential impact on the receiver.
  1. At Base Mode you can choose Manual Input or Survey In.
  1. At Rover Mode you can choose Rover Rate at 1Hz or 5Hz.
  1. Press SEND COMMAND.
    Now you can configure your receiver on field without using a laptop.

If you want to follow this tutorial, we have all the necessary products in stock and ready to be shipped:

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