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Evaluating PointPerfect IP correction service

Thingstream PointPerfect ArduSimple
Thingstream PointPerfect ArduSimple

If you purchased the PointPerfect Prepaid – 1 Month RTK-SSR corrections product, you can follow these steps to evaluate its performance:

  1. Connect the GNSS antenna to your GNSS receiver and place the antenna in a location with good view of the sky
  2. Connect your GNSS receiver to your computer and run u-center
  3. Make sure your GNSS receiver firmware version is >v1.32, if not, you will find the latest firmware on u-blox ZED-F9P website
  4. In u-center, go to Receiver > MQTT client > select the JSON config file that we have sent via email, check the following options:
    • Subscribe to key topic
    • Subscribe to data topic
    • Select your data topic according to your location:
      • Europe: /pp/ip/eu
      • North America: /pp/ip/us
      • South Korea: /pp/ip/kr
      • Australia: /pp/ip/au
      • Japan: /pp/ip/jp
  5. Click OK, and that’s all 🙂

After step 5, you should see your GNSS receiver entering into RTK Fix in a matter of seconds.

You can always monitor the reception of corrections by checking the following messages in u-center > View > Messages View:


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