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Free PPP-RTK corrections until 2023

simpleSSR with Thingstream Point Perfect
simpleSSR with Thingstream Point Perfect

It is not a typo, we are offering free PPP-RTK corrections until end of 2022, to all our customers of 4G NTRIP Master, Ethernet NTRIP Master & simpleRTK2B SBC products.

Thanks to the new u-blox PointPerfect service, if you are in Europe or Continental North America you can enjoy 2-4 centimeter accuracy (CEP) no matter how far away is the nearest base station, including 20km inside coastal waters. Correction data is provided via internet.

Is PPP-RTK a technology for my application?

To help you decide to start testing this technology, we have decided to include unlimited corrections for FREE in some of our products until 2023, no subscription required!
If after that you decide to continue using the service, you can subscribe with plans starting from $3.90 per device per month.

What is the difference between traditional RTK (VRS) and RTK-SSR correction?

VRS systems can give you accuracy down to 1 centimeter, but only if you have a base station within 50km! With RTK-SSR (also called PPP-RTK) on the other hand, you can only achieve 2-4 centimeter accuracy, but doesn’t matter how far away from the base station.

Another difference is that VRS services use local coordinate sytems, while RTK-SSR uses a global Coordinate system.

How can I start using free RTK-SSR corrections?

If you already have one of the products above, with the new firmware upgrade you will can also try PPP-RTK corrections for FREE.

If you want to try it out just update now your existing product, go to the simpleSSR page to learn more, or just start with one of the products below. All in stock and ready for global delivery in 2-4 working days.

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