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Free PPP-RTK corrections until the end of 2024

Thanks to the new u-blox PointPerfect service, if you are in Europe, Continental North America, Australia or South Korea, you can enjoy 2-4 centimeter accuracy (CEP) no matter how far away is the nearest base station, including 20km inside coastal waters. Correction data is provided via internet.

To help you decide to start testing this technology, we have decided to include unlimited corrections for FREE in some of our products until the end of 2024, no subscription required!

If after that you decide to continue using the service, you can subscribe with plans starting from $3.90 per device per month.

How can I start using free RTK-SSR corrections?

If you want to try it out just update now your existing product, go to the simpleSSR page to learn more, or just start with one of the products below.

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