DISCLAIMER: This product is for advanced users only. Sensor fusion use and configuration might not be plug and play and requires integration work. Check the documentation and ask questions if necessary before making your purchase.
simpleRTK2B Fusion is a standalone board that allows to evaluate dual band RTK GNSS technology with Inertial Sensor Fusion. It can output centimeter location, but also full vehicle’s attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) thanks to it’s integrated IMU. It’s based on u-blox ZED-F9R module and can be used standalone. Or connected with Arduino, Ardupilot / Pixhawk (JST connector), Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson and STM32 Nucleo platforms, as a shield. It can provide every second with up to 30 RTK positions and attitude angles.
Good to know:
– This product is compatible but doesn’t include a multiband GNSS antenna.
– The module will not give good performance with a standard GNSS antenna, requires a L1/L2/E5b antenna.
– This product doesn’t have base station functionality.
– This board is recommended if you want to test u-blox ZED-F9R performance.
– The onboard XBee socket can be used to expand functionality with Plugin accessories (MR/LR/XLR radios, Bluetooth, WiFi, Dataloggers, Ethernet, RS232, Canbus, L-Band, 4G/3G/2G).
– You can use the Shield for Second Plugin socket to connect 2 plugins at the same time.
– Compatible with Ardusimple plastic case
– This board has the option of mounting a backup battery to speed up the Time to First Fix and store sensor calibration data after a short power down. Note that this will not speed up the Time to First RTK fix, fresh satellite data is needed for that. If you want the board with the onboard V_BCKP battery mounted you can add the Hand Soldering Service to your cart.
– If you don’t provide RTK corrections to this module, it will have the same performance as u-blox ZED-F9L.
– This product has the same performance as ZED-F9K.