On one side USB to connect to your PC, on the other side JST-GH 6pin to connect to your ArduSimple board. Useful to:
– Recover ZED-F9P boards with deleted firmware or disabled native USB interface.
– Have a second USB interface on your ArduSimple board
– Connect u-center and another software (like RTKLIB) at the same time.
Alternatively, you can use this cable to configure any 6-pin Pixhawk peripheral that you have (like GPS, telemetry unit, etc). Don’t connect this cable to a Pixhawk autopilot, as both Pixhawk and the cable will try to give power to each other.
This product is like a TTL to USB adapter (or FTDI to USB adapter), but ready to plug onto our board instead of soldering cables.
Good to know:
– Only VCC, GND, TX and RX are connected to FTDI. I2C is not available.