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Open Source Hardware

Open Source Hardware

For your RTK project


Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design.

SparkFun GPS-RTK2
First generation ZED-F9P board design by Sparkfun

Second generation ZED-F9P board design by Sparkfun

Septentrio MosaicHAT
First generation Mosaic-X5 board design by Septentrio

Adafruit BNO085
Ceva/Bosch BNO085 breakout board

Key features

what to expect from Open Source Hardware

Available design files
Editable design files available for download and modification


Design change requests
Your wishes for re-design will have to be sent to the original designer, usually via github

Supported by the community
If you have doubts or questions about the design you will have to post your question online in a forum and the online community will be supporting you

Do you want us to produce your design?
Do you have an open source design and you need someone to manufacture it? Just contact us, we always answer.

Regulated by the Open Source Hardware Association

Got any questions or requests?
Contact us! We'll answer <24 hours!

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