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SBC now compatible with NMEA2000 vehicle position and heading

If you are in the marine industry you might have heard of NMEA protocol over CAN bus, also called NMEA2000. We have added compatibility to this protocol into our SBC platform. Together with the integrated centimeter-level position and sub-degree heading at 10Hz, it can really help you accelerate your project and reduce your development costs.

What is NMEA2000?

NMEA 2000, abbreviated to NMEA2k or N2K and standardised as IEC 61162-3, is a plug-and-play communications standard used for connecting marine sensors and display units within ships and boats. Communication runs at 250 kilobits-per-second and allows any sensor to talk to any display unit or other device compatible with NMEA 2000 protocols. NMEA2000 includes some messages for GPS location and vehicle heading. On boats the heading of navigation is not always the same as the heading of the vehicle.

And simpleRTK2B SBC has all this information. We have added compatibility to these messages, so you can both read and send these information in the network.

Which products in the market support NMEA2000?

Some other products in the market supporting this protocol with a similar features set as SBC, are Furuno SATELLITE COMPASS™ SC-33 or SC-70, Hemisphere Vector™ V200, Garmin MSC or SIMRAD HS, among others. But they don’t have centimeter precision and the price is usually quite high.

You can now enable your NMEA2000 boat or vehicle with centimeter location and sub-degree heading at a fraction of previous price! And in stock for global shipment in 2-4 working days. Go to the simpleRTK2B SBC product page to learn more about this product.

And don’t forget, if you have any question just contact us, we always answer in less than 24 hours.

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